Ensuring Job Security in a recession with essential Data Science Skills

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Ensure your job security by upskilling in the right skills; in Rupesh's case, it's the data science skills. Explore his and find yours. 🔍
Certified Data Scientist | SkilloVilla Success Stories

Meet Rupesh Kawadkar, a seasoned professional with 3.5 years of experience at Cognizant, equipped with a BBA from Osmania University. His journey into the realm of data science began with an exploration of his skills within the MNC environment.

Intrigued by the potential of data, Rupesh embarked on a quest for knowledge, ultimately leading him to SkilloVilla. This blog unveils his unique experience, from the discovery phase to becoming a certified data scientist, and its powerful impact on his career.

Discovering the Right Direction

In 2019, Rupesh began his career at Cognizant as a newcomer. When the pandemic hit and lockdowns ensued, he grasped the importance of securing his job in uncertain times. Realising the need to upskill for stability, he delved into market research. His findings highlighted the immense potential of data analytics and data science as future-proof careers.

Motivated by it, he aimed to transition into these fields, recognizing the promise of ensuring career resilience and growth amidst economic shifts. Seeking to augment his data science skills, he explored courses that could offer a promising future. Recommendations from friends and seniors led him to the doorstep of SkilloVilla, where he was introduced to the potential of data science tools and the promising career paths that could be opened.

After looking at many platforms that seemed dishonest, he decided not to use them. Rupesh’s trust was restored when a staff member at SkilloVilla guided him, and then he registered for a comprehensive demo session. This transparency, coupled with a detailed explanation of the curriculum and learning portal in the session, instilled confidence, prompting Rupesh to enrol in the data science career track.

What Makes SkilloVilla Different

SkilloVilla’s unique approach became evident as Rupesh, without a tech background, found himself equipped with industry skills. The course, spanning from basic to advanced, ensured that prior knowledge was not a prerequisite. The provision of projects, guidance, and round-the-clock support, both through emails and Discord groups, fostered an environment conducive to learning.

Rupesh praised SkilloVilla’s curriculum for its unique features, notably the quizzes after each capstone project. These quizzes served as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application, ensuring a holistic understanding of the subject. He found that, unlike other platforms with a single final exam, SkilloVilla’s continuous assessment approach allowed learners to progress more flexibly, reinforcing skills in bits and pieces.

Impact of Proficiency in Data Tools

Having learned tools like SQL and Python, Rupesh’s skills transcended the limitations he faced within his company. The enhanced proficiency allowed him to take on more impactful projects, positively influencing his professional rating. As Rupesh honed his data science skills, he began standing out at his job. This demonstrated that acquiring new abilities through learning can significantly impact one’s performance and recognition in the workplace.

Live Interactive Sessions and Expertise

The live interaction sessions with industry experts emerged as a crucial component of Rupesh’s learning experience. Bridging the gap between tool proficiency and practical application, these sessions provided insights into real business issues, offering a well-rounded understanding of data science in a professional context.

Advice for Professionals on Balancing Work and Programs

As a working professional, Rupesh acknowledged the sacrifices required to keep up with the course. Balancing a demanding job with the commitment to learning meant sacrificing weekends and sometimes preceding weekday leisure. However, Rupesh’s dedication to mastering coding skills, from a novice in Excel to a proficient Python and SQL user, showcases the tangible results achievable through SkilloVilla.

Summing Up

Upon discovering SkilloVilla, the process begins with connecting with a counsellor to understand the roadmap and then registering for a masterclass to understand the learning approach. Once clarity is gained and expectations are met, enrollment in the desired course—be it data science or data analytics, both spanning six months—takes place.

Upon certification, additional sessions like resume building and mock interviews aid in placement preparation, forming an integral part of the placement process. Placed candidates become a part of the two-year alumni membership, availing of placement assistance with over 300 companies such as Swiggy, Cred, Razorpay, Myntra, Shadowfax and more for the following two years.

Discover more inspiring success stories from SkilloVilla here.

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