Empowering PHD Research with Data Science Certification

2 min read

Age is just a number when learning comes into the picture. Dive into Prashant's journey of upskilling via a data science certification course.
Certified Data Scientist | SkilloVilla Success Stories

Age is merely a number, and the boundaries of learning are boundless. With the determination to absorb knowledge, one can conquer any challenge, regardless of age. Let’s raise a toast to Prashant, a living testament to this belief. Prashanth Chogule, an MBA graduate specialising in finance and HRM, currently serves as an assistant finance professor at Amity Global School in Pune. Armed with a B.Com and a solid foundation in cost accounting from Pune University, he pursued a data science certification course. This shift not only honed his skills but also played a pivotal role in propelling his success in his present career.

Exploration of Data Science Certification

Prashant’s interest in data science developed during his PhD in finance, focusing on the volatility analysis of large-cap cryptocurrencies. This required extensive data analysis, aligning seamlessly with the principles of data science. The need to draw insights from vast data led him to explore and embrace the Data Science certification course.

Data Science Career Track

Prashant learned about SkilloVilla through his students, who had positive experiences with the platform. After a demo session and discussions with a counsellor, he decided to enrol in SkilloVilla’s Data Science Career Track, emphasising that technical background isn’t a prerequisite; commitment to learning is key.

SkilloVilla’s career tracks cater to learners from basic to advanced levels, providing clear and concise live classes and recorded videos. Prashant highlights the importance of self-practice and credits the projects, minor and major assignments, for boosting confidence in learning tools like Python and more.

SQL Playground Explained

Prashant’s standout experience was the SQL playground, a user-friendly platform facilitating SQL learning without requiring specialised software. This virtual space allowed individuals to practice SQL through internet browsers, eliminating the need for specific installations.

SkilloVilla’s cost-effective approach ensured access to this playground for their students, providing a seamless learning environment. Alongside this, SkilloVilla offered the necessary software for data science education, allowing students to explore and apply their knowledge effectively.

Role of Industry Expert Mentorship

Prashanth underscores the significance of industry expert mentorship in live classes. Learning from experienced professionals instils confidence and offers valuable insights into applying tools and methodologies. The expert guidance serves as a roadmap for aspiring data scientists and analysts.

Time Commitment

With 1-2 hours dedicated each Saturday for doubt-clearing sessions and comprehensive resources on the Learning Management System (LMS), SkilloVilla ensures a supportive learning environment. Capstone projects contribute to developing robust problem-solving skills.

Prashanth stresses the commitment required for mastering data science, advocating for at least 6-7 hours of practice per week. He acknowledges SkilloVilla’s milestone system, which incorporates strikes to maintain discipline and track progress.

Mapping Your Placement Journey

The placement journey at SkilloVilla involves personalised sessions with the placement team, resume-building courses, and mock interviews. The process ensures that learners are well-prepared for industry interviews, providing a seamless transition from learning to job-seeking.

Prashant’s Recommendation

Prashant’s sole recommendation is to trust the process and have confidence in SkilloVilla. He suggests not delaying tasks and highlights that SkilloVilla helps students by regularly checking in to make sure they’re keeping up with their learning schedule.

Prashant Chogule’s journey from finance to data science, empowered by SkilloVilla’s holistic approach, exemplifies the incredible impact of education. Those looking to venture into data analytics or data science certification can find inspiration in Prashant’s story and rely on SkilloVilla’s proven learning methods for a rewarding career transition.

Dive into a compilation of motivating tales of triumph and achievement here.

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