Excel Certification

Basic Formulas in Excel

Introduction to Excel Microsoft Office includes MS-EXCEL. Its a spreadsheet program that helps us organize data, calculates the data in a very fast and...
Deepak Dutt
4 min read

Why should you consider learning MS Excel?

Microsoft Excel has been in the market since 1982, employed as a Multipan, a Control Program for Microcomputers. Today, MS Excel is the most...
Deepak Dutt
2 min read

Latest buzz among the students: Do employers value online…

As the world is shifting rapidly towards digitalisation, the education sector has also adapted to the stitch showing ceaseless growth year by year. A...
Deepak Dutt
2 min read

Signs that you need to upskill right away!

What is upskilling?  We are experiencing an era of change where the tasks in the hands of the human workforce are shifting rapidly as...
Deepak Dutt
3 min read